
Hermann Höfle (1911–1962)
Transcript of a telegram by Hermann Höfle. Public Record Office, Kew, England, HW 16/23, decode GPDD 355a distributed on January 15, 1943, radio telegrams nos 12 and 13/15, transmitted on January 11, 1943 Government Code and Cypher School German Police Section Decrypts of German Police Communications during Second World War; Reprinted in: Peter Witte and Stephen Tyas: A New Document on the Deportation and Murder of Jews during ‚Einsatz Reinhard’ 1942 In: Holocaust and Genocid Studies 15(2001) V 3, , S. 468-486 Online
700 x 252 Pixel (81369 Bytes)
Telegram from a deputy commander of Aktion Reinhard, listing number of arrivals in the extermination camps. Translation:
Letter and 14 day report year-end report

Camp i.d.            to 31.12.1942                 1942 total
L ? Lublin (Majdanek)   12761                          24733
B ? Belzec                  0                         434508
S ? Sobibor               515                         101370
T ? Treblinka           10335                         713555 (*)
 total:                 23611                        1274166
(*) note - the original reads 71355, but this is either a transmission/decoding, or a transcription error as 713555 gives the correct total.
Public domain

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