Hitler and german-nazi officers staring at french marechal foch statue 21 June 1940

Frank Capra (film)
Divide and Conquer (Why We Fight #3) Public Domain (U.S. War Department): https://archive.org/details/DivideAndConquer
720 x 480 Pixel (249462 Bytes)
Hitler (hand on side) and German high-ranked nazis and officers staring at WWI French marshall Maréchal Foch's memorial statue before entering the railway carriage in order to start the negotiations for the 1940 armistice at Rethondes in the Compiègne forest, France. The armistice will only be signed the next day (June 22), Hitler being absent, by General Keitel on the German side and by General Huntziger on the French side. Screenshot taken from the 1943 United States Army propaganda film Divide and Conquer (Why We Fight #3) directed by Frank Capra and partially based on news archives, animations, restaged scenes and captured propaganda material from both sides.
Public domain
No restrictions.

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