Hilltop Hoods (8231449878)

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w:Hilltop Hoods: Universal Records and Island Records performing artists at Blue Beat club, Double Bay, Sydney

Universal Records and Island Records performing artists at Blue Beat club, Double Bay, Sydney, Australia...

A number of well known Sydney based celebrities braved the rain tonight to appear at the popular and luxurious Blue Beat nightclub at posh Double Bay.

Celebs in attendance included Hilltop Hoods, Boy and Bear, Brian McFadden, Tim Hart and Ricki-Lee, but no international celebs despite earlier media rumours tipping otherwise.

The bar was busy so we're guessing the club made a tidy profit tonight.

Well done to Universal Records, Island Records and Blue Beat for putting on a good night, and here's to more international celebrities next time... wet weather or not.


Blue Beat official website www.bluebeat.com.au

Brian McFadden official website www.brianmcfadden.com.au

Boy and Bear official website www.boyandbear.com

Eva Rinaldi Photography Flickr www.flickr.com/evarinaldiphotography

Eva Rinaldi Photography www.evarinaldi.com

Music News Australia

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0

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