Heimdall and little Hnossa by Willy Pogany

Willy Pogany (1882–1955)
Originally from Colum, Padraic (1920). The Children of Odin. New York: The Macmillan Company. Illustrated by Pogany, Willy. As found at http://www.mainlesson.com/display.php?author=colum&book=odin&story=_contents
800 x 436 Pixel (18202 Bytes)
An illustration by Willy Pogany from a chapter from Children of Odin entitled "Heimdall and little Hnossa - how all things came to be". No title otherwise given for the work. Heimdallr tells a young Hnoss, daughter of the goddess Freyja, with the bridge Bifröst in the background.
Public domain
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