Hall effect

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984 x 986 Pixel (410549 Bytes)
Shows the Hall effect for different directions of electric current and magnetic field.


  1. Electrons (not conventional current!)
  2. Hall element, or Hall sensor
  3. Magnets
  4. Magnetic field
  5. Power source

In drawing "A", the Hall element takes on a negative charge at the top edge (symbolised by the blue color) and positive at the lower edge (red color). In "B" and "C", either the electric current or the magnetic field is reversed, causing the polarization to reverse. Reversing both current and magnetic field (drawing "D") causes the Hall element to again assume a negative charge at the upper edge.

Rendered using POV-Ray. The scene description "code" shown below supports rendering all of the four "situations" portrayed in the image - see the comment given in the code in the page discussion. The four images were subsequently combined, and the numbers and letters added, in a graphics software package.
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