Haeckel Tetracoralla

Kunstformen der Natur (1904), plate 29: Tetracoralla (see here, here, here and here)
2304 x 3261 Pixel (2418500 Bytes)
  1. Omphyma turbinata (Milne Edwards) = Omphyma turbinata (Linnaeus, 1761), polyp skeleton from the side
  2. Cyathophyllum marmini (Milne Edwards) = Marisastrum marmini (Milne-Edwards & Haime, 1851), coral head in cross-section
  3. Pachyphyllum devoniense (Milne Edwards) = Phillipsastrea devoniensis Milne-Edwards & Haime, 1851, coral head in cross-section
  4. Goniophyllum pyramidale (Milne Edwards) = Goniophyllum pyramidale (Hisinger, 1831), polyp skeleton from above
  5. Menophyllum tenuimarginum (Milne Edwards) = Menophyllum tenuimarginatum Milne-Edwards & Haime, 1850, polyp skeleton from above
  6. Zaphrentis cornicula (Lesueur) = Zaphrentis phrygia Rafinesque & Clifford, 1820, polyp skeleton from the side with part of wall removed
  7. Cyathophyllum expansum (d'Orbigny) (non Fisher, 1837: preoccupied) = Palaeosmilia murchisoni stutchburyi (Milne-Edwards & Haime, 1851), polyp skeleton from the side
  8. Cyathaxonia cynodon (Rafinesque) = Cyathaxonia cynodon (Rafinesque & Clifford, 1820), polyp skeleton from the side with part of wall removed
  9. Lithostrotion irregulare (Milne Edwards) = Siphonodendron irregulare (Philips, 1836), polyp skeleton in lengthwise section
  10. Alveolites battersbyi (Milne Edwards) = Caliapora battersbyi (Huxley, 1851), polyp skeleton in lengthwise section
  11. Hadrophyllum multiradiatum (Milne Edwards) = Hadrophyllidae?, polyp skeleton from above
  12. Clisiophyllum turbinatum (James Thompson) = Dibunophyllum bipartitum turbinatum Thompson, 1874, polyp skeleton in cross-section
  13. Acervularia ananas (Schweigger) = Acervularia ananas (Linnaeus, 1758), coral head from above
  14. Syringophyllum organum (Milne Edwards) = Sarcinula organum Linnaeus, 1767, coral head from above
  15. Cyathophyllum articulatum (Milne Edwards) = Entelophyllum articulatum (Wahlenberg, 1821), coral head from the side
Public domain
public domain due to age

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