Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana
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The 25 volumes of "Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana" (translation: Great Catalan Encyclopedia). This version is the first reimpression at april 1988 (from the second edition at june 1986, which is from the first edition of the Encyclopedia at july 1969). This is the main catalan source of knowledge printed in paper, edited a lot of times until now, 2009. On the right down corner there are the "Diccionari de la Llengua Catalana" (translation: Dictionary of the Catalan Language) and the "Diccionari de la Llengua Catalana Multilingüe. Castellà Anglès Francès Alemany." (translation: Dictionary of the Catalan Language Multilingual. Spanish English French German), this with the new label's non-profit publishing company: Fundació Enciclopèdia Catalana (Catalan Encyclopedia Foundation). The last book is a smaller version of the dictionary.
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