Göbeklitepe Building D 5323

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Enclosure D is by far the best preserved of the so far excavated monumental megalithic buildings. In comparison to Building C there was no post-use destruction of the structure.

This oval-shaped building has a (east-west) diameter of 20 metres and features some 11 T-shaped monoliths, though this number could increase following completion of excavations in its northern part. The two central T-pillars are slotted into two carved pedestals and its floor was formed by smoothing the natural limestone bedrock (akin to Building C). The two central pillars of Building D provide clear evidence for the anthropomorphic character of the T-pillars, these two monoliths carrying low relief representations of arms and hands, and with depictions (also low relief) of belts and fox fur loincloths. These two central pillars are preserved to an original height of 5.5 meters and they still stand in-situ. The eastern T-pillar appears to carry a fox under its arm on its western broad side. As observed in Building C, many of the T-pillars incorporated into its oval-plan wall feature images of wild animals, birds and insects. It is highly likely that these depictions relate early Neolithic mythological scenes. It dates from the 10th-9th mill. BC

In the museum in Urfa there is a replica that one can walk around in.
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