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Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari - Madona di Ca'Pesaro by Titian. Size : 478 × 268 cm. This image shows a replica of Titian's Pesaro Madonna that was on display while the original painting was being restored. Titian's work was reinstalled in September 2017, following the four-year restoration.
The painting was commissioned in 1519 by Bishop Jacopo Pesaro, buried on the right side of the altar. The work will be completed in 1526. Jacopo Pesaro knelt before St. Peter wearing the yellow and blue colors of the Pesaro family. Several family members were present: Francesco with a large red coat and behind him, Antonio Fantino and Giovani, below Leonardo, nephew of Francesco . Off-center on the right the Virgin with the Child Jesus and St. Anthony of Padua.
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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
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