Flickr - brewbooks - Orbicular Granite

brewbooks from near Seattle, USA
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Rings in the Rock This slice of rock came from a granite boulder found in a stream near Karamea South Island [New Zealand] west coast. The rock formed 400 million years ago. The circular patterns are the work of minerals which crystallized in spheres around a central nucleus.

This really amazed me. A few years later, I started reading The Process of Creating Life you see this pattern recurring in nature. THis also reminds me of the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction non-equilibrium thermodynamics, resulting in the establishment of a nonlinear chemical oscillator reaction

And more recently, pictoscribe turned me on to Li , Dynamic Forms in Nature by David Wade

Updated the title from: Concentric Circular pattern in granite to: Orbicular Granite

Interesting site on orbicular rocks Seen from this orbicular rock photo by Flickr member subarcticmike

Auckland War Memorial Museum i102505 115
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0

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