FMIB 37550 Canal de Panama - Construction des Grandes Ecluses de Gatun

J. Boyer
Clerc-Rampal, G. (1913) Mer : la Mer Dans la Nature, la Mer et l'Homme, Paris: Librairie Larousse, p. 297
1485 x 874 Pixel (498297 Bytes)
*Subject: Panama Canal (Panama), Locks (Hydraulic engineering), Gatun Lake (Panama), Canals
  • Geographic Subject: Panama--Gatun Lake
  • Tag: Panama Canal
Public domain
Public domain This is a photograph from the Freshwater and Marine Image Bank at the en:University of Washington. Materials in the Freshwater and Marine Image Bank are in the public domain. No copyright permissions are needed. Acknowledgement of the Freshwater and Marine Image Bank as a source for borrowed images is requested.

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