FJ-1 FJ-2 NAN5-52

U.S. Navy Naval Aviation News May 1952 [1]
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Two Furies: A straight-winged North American FJ-1 flying next to a swept-wing FJ-2 in 1952. The FJ-1 design dated back to the Second World War, and only 33 were produced in 1948. The FJ-1 led North American Aviation to the design of the F-86 Sabre ordered by the U.S. Air Force. In 1951 the U.S. Navy again ordered a navalized version of the F-86, naming it FJ-2, which first flew on 14 February 1952. It was essentially a F-86E with an arrester hook and folding wings. Reaching squadrons in 1954, the 300 FJ-2s were only used by the U.S. Marine Corps from land bases, and normally not from aircraft carriers. 538 uprated FJ-3s followed, still looking like F-86s, but also widely used by the Navy. North American then designed a special ground attack version, the FJ-4, with first flew in 1954. This plane was quite different from the F-86. The FJs were redesignated F-1 under the unified designation system in 1962, FJ-3 becoming F-1C/D and FJ-4 F-1E.
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