Escherichia coli on agar

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Escherichia coli colonies on sheep blood agar after 24 h at 37°C.
  • Fig. A, B: Most strains of E.coli produce smooth, circular, low-convex colonies with entire edge that are about 3-4 mm in diameter. They are greyish, butyrous and readily emulsified.
  • Fig. B, G: Partial digestion of erythrocytes may cause more or less profound discoloration of agar under colonies and in their vicinity (Fig. F). Isolates from urinary tract are quite often beta-hemolytic.
  • Fig. C, H: Less common are higly mucoid strains, typically isolated from urine.
  • Fig. D, I: or small-colony variants, previously known as dwarf colonies, typically isolated from urine.
  • Fig. J: urinary isolate - Rough colonies are quite uncommon in clinical samples
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