Epicteti Enchiridion Latinis versibus adumbratum (Oxford 1715) frontispiece - greyscale

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Imaginary portrait of Epictetus. Engraved frontispiece of Edward Ivie’s Latin translation (or versification) of Epictetus’ Enchiridon, printed in Oxford in 1715. Original title of the book: “Epicteti Enchiridion Latinis versibus adumbratum. Per Eduardum Ivie A. M. Ædis Christi Alumn. […] Oxoniæ, Theatro Sheldoniano, MDCCXV. […]”

The subscription is an epigram from the Anthologia Palatina (VII 676) and reads:

Δοῦλος Ἐπίκτητος γενόμην, καὶ σῶμ’ ἀνάπηρος,
καὶ πενίην Ἶρος, καὶ φίλος ἀθανάτοις.
“I was Epictetus the slave, and not sound in all my limbs, and poor as Irus, and beloved by the gods.” (Irus is the beggar in the Odyssey.)
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