Electric railway journal (1914) (14575072610)
Identifier: electricrailway431914newy (find matches)
Title: Electric railway journal
Year: 1908 (1900s)
Subjects: Electric railroads
Publisher: (New York) McGraw Hill Pub. Co
Contributing Library: Smithsonian Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Smithsonian Libraries
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g lad- breakdowns between the individual windings and toground. Furthermore, if such a single collector leftthe wire while going up a heavy grade the automatic no-voltage release high-tension switch would open, themotors would no longer receive current and the speedof the train would rapidly decrease. An appreciableloss in time would elapse before the motors could beplaced in circuit again. This loss of time could be madeup only by severely overloading the electrical equip-ment. The use of a second current collector also re-duces the rate of wear. The pressure of the contactpiece is the same at all heights, but by means of springsmay be varied from 6.6 to 22 lb. Oil dash-pots areused to prevent the contact mechanism from risingtoo rapidly. The porcelain spool insulators used toinsulate the pantograph bases from the roof were testedup to 50,000 volts. The roof of the locomotive alsocarries horn arresters and carborundum resistors inseries therewith. The circuits on the roof are carried
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Rhatian Railway- -Standard Single-Phase Locomotive, Showing Pantographs, Ventilating Louver in Roof, Character of Drive, Etc. der at one end of the locomotive is connected with thecurrent collector circuits in such fashion that the air inthe pipe to the collectors is exhausted, thus forcingthem to drop away from the line, as soon as the ladderis used. The mechanical equipment in each cab consists of ahand brake, valves for the current collectors, and Sand-ers, hand pump, pressure gage, vacuum gag3, speedmeter, device for operating the signal whistle, sandbox, tool box and time card. Special tools and facilitiesfor hanging clothing are provided in the main machineroom. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTThe two current collectors are of the pantographtype with auxiliary bows capable of operating with avariation of 13.6 ft. to 20.7 ft. in the height of thetrolley wire. It was feared that if only one collectorwas used interruptions at the point of contact wouldcause dangerous overvoltages at the end tu
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