East entry to Vernal, Utah, on US-40 (7063605801)

InSapphoWeTrust from Los Angeles, California, USA
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The pink sauropod greets visitors to Vernal, the main population center in northeastern Utah.

This is indeed Utah's dinosaur country, because Dinosaur National Monument is only ten miles or so to the east, just north of the town of Jensen. It is also the only reason I decided to drive all the way out here.

US-40 was the main east-west highway, also known as the Lincoln Highway, that stretched all the way from San Francisco to Atlantic City. Today, the sections west of Park City have been switched to I-80, but in this area, US-40 still plays an important role as it is still the only direct connection between Salt Lake City and Denver. (I-70 had been intended to supersede US-40 through Utah and Colorado, but I-70 ended up being re-oriented southwest to point toward Las Vegas and Los Angeles instead.)
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