Eagle Claw wrecks at Desert One April 1980

U.S. military

United States Special Operations Command History, 1987-2007

transferred from en.Wikipedia; en:File:Wreckagedesertone.jpg
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A photo of the "Desert One" landing site, a piece of desert in Iran used by U.S. forces as a refueling point in an attempt to rescue U.S. hostages in Iran. On 24 April 1980 a U.S. Navy Sikorsky RH-53D Sea Stallion (BuNo 158761, visible at right) collided with a U.S. Air Force Lockheed EC-130E Hercules (s/n 62-1809, wrecked in the foreground) during refueling after the mission was aborted. Both aircraft were destroyed, eight crewmen died. In the background is one of the five intact, but abandoned RH-53Ds.
Originalbeskrivning: "
Wreckage at Desert One, Iran (April 1980) where eight Americans died.
Public domain

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