Dyke March Berlin 2018 video

(c) C.Suthorn / cc-by-sa-4.0 / commons.wikimedia.org
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This video is a work by Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons user C.Suthorn. When reusing, credit me as described in the Licensing information below. I would appreciate being notified (wikimail, talk page, email, Social Media) if you use my work outside Wikimedia.

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Eget arbete (IPTC Unique Object Name: CS-dymablnacht)
3840 x 2160 Pixel (243223499 Bytes)
The DykeMarch in Berlin 2018 took place on the evening of 27 July and was led by Dykes on Bikes
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0

Mer information om licensen för bilden finns här. Senaste uppdateringen: Sun, 24 Sep 2023 03:29:04 GMT