Danske kunstnere i osteriet La Genzola i Rom

Danska konstnärer på osterian La Gensola i Rom
title QS:P1476,da:"Danske kunstnere i osteriet La Genzola i Rom"
label QS:Lda,"Danske kunstnere i osteriet La Genzola i Rom"
label QS:Len,"Danish artists at the Osteria La Gensola in Rome"

11867 x 9072 Pixel (22086287 Bytes)
At the head of the table to the right Bertel Thorvaldsen. On his right side Ernst Meyer, Ditlev Blunck himself and Jørgen Sonne (wearing a hat). Standing in the doorway is Constantin Hansen. Talking to the waiter, it is Gottlieb Bindesbøll, and behind him Wilhelm Marstrand. At the other end of the table, to the left, Albert Küchler is drawing.
Public domain

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