Didier François teaching his special nyckelharpa-technique

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Didier François, violinist and nyckelharpist from (Belgium) invented a new technique of playing the nyckelharpa. Holding the nyckelharpa vertically in front of his chest, he can move both arms more naturally and relaxed. This improves also the sound of the instrument. Using a violin bracket to keep the nyckelharpa away from the body it can swing freely and sounds more open. Didier Francois was stimulated to this technique by the violin style of Arthur Grumiaux. At the moment more and more nyckelharpa player are moving to this "Didier François technique".

On this photograph Didier François is teaching during the International Days of the Nyckelharpa at castle BURG FÜRSTENECK in Germany 2005.

His Nyckelharpa is built by Joos Janssens, Belgium.
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

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