Dataton System 3000

Derek Holzer, Henrik Frisk, and Andre Holzapfel
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Holzer, Frisk and Holzapfel (2021) "Sounds of Futures Passed: Media Archaeology and Design Fiction as NIME Methodologies", In International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression.
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The Dataton System 3000 is a modular synthesizer and audio mixer designed by Björn Sandlund in Sweden during the 1970’s as a pedagogical tool.

From the paper (published under CC-BY 4.0 license):

"This particular System 3000 contains the following module types:

  • sound input and generation: Quad Input Amplifier 3001, Quad Sound Generator 3002, Noise Generator 3004
  • sound processing: Quad Universal Filter 3103, Quad Envelope Shaper 3104, Ringmodulator 3105
  • mixing, panning, and output: Master Mixer 3201, Sub Mixer 3202
  • and finally power regulation and distribution: Power Supply 3320"
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

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