Craspedosomatidae of North America 1895 Plate IX

O. F. Cook and G. N. Collins
O. F. Cook and G. N. Collins (1895). The Craspedosomatidae of North America. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume IX.
766 x 1301 Pixel (1505743 Bytes)

Cleidogona forceps.
Fig. 159. — Male genitalia, lateral view.
Fig. 160. — Same, anterior view.
Fig. 161. — Same, posterior view.
Fig. 162.— Ninth leg of male, X 30.
Fig. 163. — Apical portion of same, X 105.

Cleidogona laminata.
Fig. 164. — Genitalia and legs 9-12, drawn in situ.
Fig. 165. — Male genitalia, anterior view.
Fig. 166. — Same, posterior view.
Fig. 167. — Ninth leg of male, posterior view.
Fig. 168. — Same, anterior view.
Fig. 169.— Antenna, X 31.
Fig. 170. — Tenth legs of male.
Fig. 171. — Eleventh legs of male.

Bactropus conifer.
Fig. 172. — Antenna.
Fig. 173.— Gnathochilarium, X 105.
Fig. 174. — Genitalia of male, anterior view, with ninth legs.
Fig. 175. — Apical joints of ninth leg of male.

Fig. 176. — Last two segments, lateral view.
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