Craspedosomatidae of North America 1895 Plate I

O. F. Cook and G. N. Collins
O. F. Cook and G. N. Collins (1895). The Craspedosomatidae of North America. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume IX.
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Branneria carinata.
Fig. 1.— Antenna, three distal joints, X 56.

Pseudotremia cavernarum.
Fig. 2. — Genitalia of male, anterior view.
Fig. 3. — Same, lateral view.
Fig. 4.— Gnathochilarium. U. S. N. M. No. 420.
Fig. 5. — Antenna, X 24.
Fig. 6.— Ninth legs of male with lamella, X 24. U. S. N. M. No. 420.
Fig. 7.— Eleventh legs of male, X24. U. S. N. M. No. 436.

Pseudotremia carterensis.
Fig. 8. — Ninth legs of male, posterior view.
Fig. 9. — Lamella embraced between the ninth legs of male, X35.
Fig. 10. — Genitalia of male, X50.

Pseudotremia cavernarum.
Fig. 11. — Body, dorsal view.

Scoterpes copei.
Fig. 12. — Genitalia of male, after Packard.
Fig. 13. — Same, less magnified; also ninth legs, after Packard.

Zygonopus whitei (= Trichopetalum whitei).
Fig. 14.— Antenna, X 27.
Fig. 15.— First leg of male, X 50.

Fig. 16. — Second leg of male, X 50.
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