Comparative nuclear fireball sizes

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A simple graphic showing comparative nuclear fireball radii for a number of different tests and warheads. From largest to smallest, the diameter are: Note that these are only for the fireball component of the explosion — radiation, blast, and heat would extend far beyond these distances (i.e. for the Tsar Bomba, anyplace with 6.56 km would receive 500 rems of radiation, there would be near total fatalities for the air blast within 9.95 km, structural damage at 26.26 km, and third-degree burns at 58 km). This is meant only to give some means of comprehending the differences in scale between different weapon designs.
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If you want to credit someone, credit "Wikimedia Commons." Otherwise don't credit anyone, that's fine by me. --Fastfission 14:59, 14 April 2008 (UTC)

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