Coat of arms of Saint Lucia

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Coat of Arms of Saint Lucia
The ROSE which you see on the coat of arms tells us about England. At one time England was our “mother” country because she was in charge of our affairs. The FLEUR-DE-LIS reminds us that we belonged to France as many as seven times. The Bamboo is our national plant, two pieces form the cross of the shield. The little AFRICAN STOOL in the centre is African and reminds us of our ancestors who were shipped from Africa during the slave trade. To light us on our way, we have a TORCH which is held up high. The Saint Lucian Parrot Amazona versicolor is our national bird guards each side of the Coat of Arms. Our Motto “THE LAND, THE PEOPLE, THE LIGHT”, is printed at the bottom of the shield.
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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