Clyde W. Tombaugh

OkändUnknown author
I cropped this image from the original found at O'Hara, Elva R. (2006). Clyde W. Tombaugh: Farm Boy Reached for the Stars. Borderlands 25.
766 x 1000 Pixel (162913 Bytes)
The astronomer Clyde Tombaugh, discoverer of Pluto here shown with his homemade 9-inch telescope.
Public domain
This photo appears on page 28 (also here) of the June 1930 issue of Popular Science Monthly. That issue was both published with notice and registered with the U.S. Copyright Office (registration no. "B 76212"). However, a careful manual search of the renewal records for 1957, 1958, and 1959 found no renewal was recorded for registration "B 76212" or any other issue of Popular Science Monthly magazine in these years. This is consistent with UPenn's research which says that no issues of Popular Science were ever renewed.

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