Chris Lewis, New Zealand Tennis Player (February 1980) (24874283479)

Archives New Zealand from New Zealand
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Chris Lewis was born on March 9 1957 in Auckland, New Zealand. Lewis became the third player from New Zealand to reach the finals of a Grand Slam Singles title where he was runner up at Wimbledon in 1983, losing out to John McEnroe. He is the last player from New Zealand to reach the finals of a Grand Slam title as of 2016. He won 3 singles titles and achieved a career-high singles ranking of World No. 19 in April 1984. He also won 8 doubles titles during his 12 years on the tour.

The images shown here were taken by the National Publicity Studios in Wellington in February 1980. They show Lewis practicing ahead of a David Cup match for New Zealand.

The purpose of the National Publicity Studios was to provide advice to government departments and state agencies on the provision of photographic, art, and display services and in particular to assist in the production of publicity material aimed at conveying a favourable image of New Zealand.

The National Publicity Studios was divided into two main sections: Photographic - comprising photographers, a laboratory, a photo library and facilities for audio-visual productions & Art - comprising graphic art, display art, display workshops and silkscreen.

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Reference: AAQT 6539 W3537 16 L8/12/3/116 & L8/12/3/117

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