Bilden är taggad "Attribution Required" men ingen tillskrivningsinformation lämnades. Attributionsparametern utelämnades troligen när MediaWiki-mallen användes för CC-BY-licenserna. Författare och upphovsmän hittar ett exempel för korrekt användning av mallarna här.
att dela – att kopiera, distribuera och sända verket
att remixa – att skapa bearbetningar
På följande villkor:
erkännande – Du måste ge lämpligt erkännande, ange en länk till licensen och indikera om ändringar har gjorts. Du får göra det på ett lämpligt sätt, men inte på ett sätt som antyder att licensgivaren stödjer dig eller din användning.
dela lika – Om du remixar, transformerar eller bygger vidare på materialet måste du distribuera dina bidrag under samma eller en kompatibel licens som originalet.
Attribution, disclaimer and additional Information:
Attribute me as "D-Kuru from Wikimedia Commons" or "D-Kuru/Wikimedia Commons". Second suggestion is preferred. You can find an example of how the image could be used in the „Disclaimer“ section. You can also visit the help page Commons:Reusing content outside Wikimedia for further information.
Used camera & lens:
This image was taken using a Canon EOS 40D.
This image was taken using a Canon EF-S 60mm F2.8 Macro USM lens.
Even I'm the only copyright holder of this two-dimensional work I can't exclude that third parties or local and/or international law may can restrict the reuse of this image. Possible restrctions could be due to personality rights, copyright (e.g. on buildings) and/or law such as the "Freedom of panorama".
Hyperlinks, other licences and additional information:
Even hyperlinks to my user page on Wikimedia Commons and this page are not required, they are requested. Also not required is a notification if you use this image anywhere but it nice to hear from you.
If you want to use my image under different licenceconditions you can cantact me on my talkpage or you can send me a mail.
I upload all my files in the highest possible resolution and/or bitrate so I can't offer higher resoluted images and/or better quality for my video and/or audio files. However, if you want to have an image from a different angle you can contact me and I can see if I can help you.
Keep in mind that this text does not affect the other usage conditions of the licence (could be „Share Alike“, „make clear to others the license terms of this work“, etc.) in any way! On the right side you can see an example of how the image could be used correctly according to the licenceconditions.
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
Mer information om licensen för bilden finns här.
Senaste uppdateringen: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 05:15:35 GMT