Saint John the Baptist Reclining
label QS:Lavk,"Senyese Giovanni Battista tumtikye (trutca ke Caravaggio)"
label QS:Lfr,"Saint Jean-Baptiste allongé"
label QS:Len,"Saint John the Baptist Reclining"
label QS:Lde,"Liegender Johannes der Täufer"
label QS:Les,"Juan Bautista (Múnich)"
label QS:Lit,"San Giovanni Battista disteso"

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"Reclining John the Baptist", c. 1610,by Caravaggio (1571-1610). believed to be Caravaggio's last painting, is barely known by comparison to his other pieces. This is due to disputes that arose after Caravaggio's death regarding the attribution of the piece as a work of the great master. The painting was discovered in Argentina; it is now in a private collection in Munich.
Public domain

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