Cantiga flute
author=The court of Alfonso X (1251-1284)
From the Patrimonio Nacional website:" we can affirm that it is a collective creation in which several musicians and authors of the court participated, among whom the monarch himself stands out. We also do not know the identity of its material creators, but copyists and illuminators in the service of the royal desk participated in a fully coordinated manner"..."
- ATTRIBUTION: Royal Library of the Monastery of El Escorial (RBME). National Heritage.
- original manuscript: Page 218V of the Codex of the musicians
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Illustration from Cantigas de Santa Maria manuscript. The Cantigas de Santa Maria (Songs to the Virgin Mary) are manuscripts written in Galician-Portuguese, with music notation, during the reign of Alfonso X El Sabio (1221-1284) and are one of the largest collections of monophonic (solo) songs from the Middle ages.
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