C. Papius Mutilus, denarius, 90 BC, Campana 100
The Trustees of the British Museum
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The Social War. 90 BC. AR Denarius. Mint moving with C. Papius C.f. Mutilus.
Head of Bacchus right, wearing ivy wreath; MUTIL EMBRATUR in Oscan on right / Bull goring wolf below; C PAAPI in Oscan in exergue. Campana, Monetazione 100, Sydenham 641.
- RR2 / Coins of the Roman Republic in the British Museum, vol. 2. Coinages of Rome (continued), Roman Campania, Italy, the social war, and the provinces. (41, p333)
- HN Italy / Historia Numorum : Italy (427)
- Ghey, Leins & Crawford 2010 / A catalogue of the Roman Republican Coins in the British Museum, with descriptions and chronology based on M.H. Crawford, Roman Republican Coinage (1974) (553.427.2)
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
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