Bus Memorial to Ken Saro-Wiwa (5927206987)

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9 July 2011. Ten feet high, steel sculpture of a Nigerian Bus parked behind the Bernie Grant Arts Centre, Tottenham.

It's a memorial to Ken Saro-Wiwa the writer and campaigner against the exploitation and environmental degradation of the land and waters of the Niger Dekta by the multinational petroleum industry - especially the Shell Oil company. He and eight other Ogoni activists were executed by the (then) Nigerian Military Government.

The sculpture is by Sokari Douglas-Camp, The complete wording reads: "I accuse the oil companies of practising genocide against the Ogoni"


§ Remember Saro-Wiwa website. § Aerial view of where this photo was taken.

§ The Guardian newspaper article 3 February 2011 [ Shell: Clean-up goes on for Niger Delta – and oil company's reputation]
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0

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