
Patrick Mackellar (engineer en second on Braddock's expedition)
Stanley M. Pargellis: Military Affairs in North America, 1748-1765: Selected Documents from the Cumberland Papers in Windsor Castle. D. Appleton-Century Co., New York und London 1936. Page 115
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Sketch of the Battle of the Monongahela (1755):
A Sketch of the Field of Battle &c, shewing the Disposition of the Troops about 2 a Clock when the whole of the main Body had joined the advanced and Working Partys, then beat back from the Ground they occupied as in Plan No. 1.


a, The French and Indians skulking behind Trees round the Brittish

f, The two Field Pieces of the advanced Party now abandoned

c, d, e, h, i, k, m, n, q, The whole Body of the British joined, with little or no order, but endeavouring to make Fronts towards the Enemys Fire

1, the three 12 pounder Field Pieces of the main Body

o, The rear Field Piece. 12 pounder

p, The Rear Guard divided (round the rear of the Convoy, now closed up behind Trees having been attacked by a few Indians

N.B. The Disposition on both sides, continued about two hours nearly as here represented, the British endeavouring to recover the Guns (f) and to gain the Hill (s) to no purpose. It was proposed to take possession of this Hill before the Indians did, but unhappily it was neglected. The British were at length beat from the Guns (1). The General was wounded soon after. They were lastly beat back accross the Hollow way (r) and made no farther Stand. All the Artillery, Ammunition, Provision & Baggage were left in the Enemys Hands, and the General was with difficulty carryed off. The whole Action continued about three hours and a half. The Retreat was full of Confusion, but after a few Miles, there was a Body got to rally.
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