Born to Run (15244176413)
Beau Considine from Upperco, MD, USA
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This Penn-Marydel Foxhounds is all warmed up, all stretched out and ready to run...and run... and run. Though they may not be an officially recognized breed, I am not sure about that, I can say for sure that they are wonderful dogs. If you ever read "Where the Red Fern Grows" you will know the special enjoyment of hiking through the woods a listening to the unmistakable sound of hounds on the trail. These dogs have a deep musical call that communicates so much about their pursuit. Unlike many hounds these are very good around people and seem to enjoy interacting with everyone prior to the hunt. They are well behaved when under close control of the Master of the Hounds, but the are at the most enjoyable when they finally get the scent and are off on the chase. These dogs love to run and they can go all day. I wish the same were true for me.
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