Bison original range map

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  • North America second level political division 2.svg
  • Wild mammals of North America : biology, management, and conservation. George A Feldhamer; Bruce Carlyle Thompson; Joseph A Chapman. Baltimore, Md. : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003. (ISBN 9780801874161) (OCLC 51969059)
  • van Zyll de Jong, C. G. 1986. A systematic study of recent bison, with particular consideration of the wood bison (Publications in Natural Sciences No. 6.). National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ottawa, Ontario. Canada.
  • Stephenson, R. O. et al. 2001. Wood bison in late Holocene Alaska and adjacent Canada: Paleontological, archaeological and historical records. Pages 125-159 in S. C. Gerlach and M. S. Murrya, eds. People and wildlife in northern North America: Essays in honor of R. Dale Guthrie (Brithish Archaeological Reports, International Series 994). Hadrian, Oxford, UK.
1712 x 1992 Pixel (408328 Bytes)
Original distribution of plains bison (Bison bison bison) and wood bison (Bison bison athabascae) in North America, based on available zooarchaeological, paleontological, oral and written historical accounts. Holocene bison (Bison occidentalis) is an earlier form at the origin of B. b. bison and B. b. athabascae.
Holocene bison
Wood bison
Plains bison
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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