
Ingen maskinläsbar skapare angavs. World Imaging antaget (baserat på upphovsrättsanspråk).
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Ingen maskinläsbar källa angavs. Eget arbete antaget (baserat på upphovsrättsanspråk).
1203 x 740 Pixel (191885 Bytes)

Hellenistic foot fragment at the Temple of Apollo at Bassae. British Museum. Personal photograph 2005.

British Museum notice: "The Colossal figure. Fragments of an over life-size marble statue were found in the rear space of the main room. The form of the sandals and the manner in which the hands and feet were added onto the figure indicate a Hellenistic date, perhaps 150-100 BCE. The way that the feet were divided into sections suggests that the figure was draped, or at least partially draped, with the left foot set further beyond the fall of the material than the right, while the struts between the fingers on the left hand indicate that it held something, perhaps a bow or a laurel branch, if the figure was, as seems likely, Apollo" British Museum.
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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