Apple cake with vanilla ice cream 2

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Simple and easy apple pie served with vanilla ice cream, on a gingham tablecloth in Lysekil, Sweden. Image focus stacked from five photos using Photoshop.


  • Ingredients: 150 g butter, 1 dl sugar, 3 dl all-purpose flour, 1 dl rolled oats, 3 large apples
  • Directions: Mix sugar, flour and oats in a bowl. Cut the butter into smaller cubes and add to the mix. Work the butter into the dry ingredients using pinching and kneading motions, until the butter is evenly mixed in. The result should not be a smooth dough, but rather small lumps. Pour the lumps into a pan; a regular medium springform pan will do nicely. Work the lumpy dough so that it covers the bottom of the pan and a couple of cm up against the sides. Peel and slice the apples, and put them in the pan. Sprinkle with some sugar and cinnamon. Bake in the middle of oven at 225 °C for about 25-30 minutes. Allow to cool a bit before serving with vanilla ice cream.
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