Anabæna inæqualis

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Identifier: algvolimyxophy00west Title: Algæ. Vol. I. Myxophyceæ, Peridinieæ, Bacillarieæ, Chlorophyceæ, together with a brief summary of the occurrence and distribution of freshwat4er Algæ Year: 1916 (1910s) Authors: West, G. S. (George Stephen), 1876-1919 Subjects: Algae Publisher: Cambridge [Eng.] The University press Contributing Library: MBLWHOI Library Digitizing Sponsor: MBLWHOI Library

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Text Appearing After Image: Fig. 31. A and B, Nostoc Linckia Bornet;A, nat. size; B, small portion of thallus,x 340. C, N. co-rule tint Lyngbye, nat. size. Fig. 32. A-D, Anabæna inæqualis (Kütz.) Born. & Flah. E-G, Cylindrospermum stagnale (Kütz.) Born. & Flah. H, Nodularia sphærocarpa Born & Flah. (All × 480.) h, heterocyst; sp, resting-spore. 44 Myxophycese Reproduction takes place by hormogones and by resting-spores. The latter arevariable in shape, and may be solitary or seriate. In Cylindrospermum the spore arisesfrom the cell next the terminal heterocyst (fig. 32 E—G). About half the species ofNostoc and Cylindrospermum occur in subaerial habitats, but all the other members ofthe family are aquatic. Species of Nodularia are mostly brackish-water forms. Fam. Scytonemaceae. The Algae of this family are distinguished by their peculiartype of branching. As a rule there is only one trichome within a strong tubular sheathof regular thickness. The false branches arise either singly or in pai

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