Americans with Polish Ancestry by state

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The map above shows the prevalence of Americans with Polish Ancestry in each state of the United States and in the District of Columbia. Data comes from the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey 2019 (1-Year), from which data is easily accessible here.

In 2019, there were an estimated 8,969,530 Americans with Polish Ancestry in the United States, making up approximately 2.73% of the country's 328.2 million inhabitants.

The five states with the most Americans with Polish Ancestry were New York (870,494), Illinois (836,683), Michigan (800,467), Pennsylvania (780,327), and Florida (500,238).

The five states with the highest concentration of Americans with Polish Ancestry were Wisconsin (8.56%), Michigan (8.02%), Illinois (6.60%), Connecticut (6.53%), and Pennsylvania (6.10%).

This file may be updated upon the publishing of newer data.


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