Alptransit LBT Frutigen north portal

Författare/Upphovsman: 17:22, 27 June 2007 (UTC)
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North portal of new Loetschberg Base Tunnel (LBT) in Frutigen, Canton Berne; LBT is part of the swiss Alptransit project. A BLS train on the old mountain track in the background.

Right before the tunnel entrance is the so called intervention site. The idea is that trains which are on fire must not stop inside the tunnel but leave the tube if possible and evacuate people here. That's what the stairs are intended for. Firefighter access is provided from the other side.

Picture replaced with actual photo, old photo was not worth to be kept. The stage between the tracks was used for the opening ceremony and will be removed.
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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5

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