A hand-book to the game-birds (1895) (14753209624)
Identifier: handbooktogamebi02ogil (find matches)
Title: A hand-book to the game-birds
Year: 1895 (1890s)
Authors: Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. (William Robert), 1863-1924
Subjects: Game and game-birds Upland game birds
Publisher: London : W.H. Allen & Co.
Contributing Library: American Museum of Natural History Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Biodiversity Heritage Library
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HYNCHORTYX SPODIOSTETHUS. Odontophorus spodiosiethus, Salvin, Ibis, 1878, p. 447.Rhynchortyx spodiosfethus, Ogilvie-Grant, Cat. B. Brit. Mus.xxii. p. 443 (1893). (Plate XXXIV.) Adult.—Crown of head rusty-brown ; mantle dark grey, edgedwith reddish-brown ; lower back and rump thickly mottledwith grey; shoulder-feathers brown with chestnut margins;wing-coverts greyish-brown mixed with buff and blotched withblack ; forehead, eyebrow-stripes, sides of head, and throatbright rust-red; middle of chin and throat ivhitish ; neck, chest,and sides of breast, dark-grey, shading into buff on the middleof the breast and belly. Total length, 7-5 inches ; wing, 4-9;tail, 1-8 ; tarsus, 1-4; middle toe and claw, 1*15. Range.—Central America ; Panama. IL THE CHESTNUT-ZONED LONG-LEGGED COLIN. RHYN-CHORTYX CINCTUS. Odontophoriis ciiidus, Salvin, Ibis, 1876, p. 397 ; Rowley, Orn.Misc. iii. p. 39, pi. Ixxxvi. (1878). * No specimens in which the sex has been ascertained have been ex-amined. PLATE XKXtV.
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-s****!^ LONG-LEGGED COLIN. THE MEGAPODES, URUSH-TURKEYS, AND MALEOS. 163 Rhyiichortyx ductus, Ogilvie-Grant, Cat. B. Urit. Mas. xxii. p.444(1893). Adult.—Differs from R. spodioslethus in having the crown,mantle, f/zdj/, and sides of the breast deep rufous; the eyebrow-stripes and sides of head dull olive-brown ; a white band fromthe base of the upper mandible to the eye, and continued behindthe eye along the sides of the neck ; the chin and throat white;and the rest of the undcr-parts white, barred with black, exceptdown the middle of the body. Total length, 7-5 inches; wing,4*6; tail, 17; tarsus, 1-3; middle toe and claw, 1-15. Range.—Central America; Veragua. THE MEGAPODES, BRUSH-TURKEYS, ANDMALEOS. FAMILY MEGAPODHD^. Distinguished by having the hind toe or hallux on the samelevel as the other toes, and its basal phalanx as long as that ofthe third toe. The oil-gland at the base of the tail nude. Eggs deposited in the sand or in a mound raised by one ormore pairs of birds ; the
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