A1 Christmas Tree photo

William Warby
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2676 x 4200 Pixel (8962821 Bytes)
Photograph of indoor Christmas tree with minimal background


PERMISSION TO USE: Please check the licence for this photo on Flickr. If the photo is marked with the Creative Commons licence, you are welcome to use this photo free of charge for any purpose including commercial. I am not concerned with how attribution is provided - a link to my flickr page or my name is fine. If used in a context where attribution is impractical, that's fine too. I enjoy seeing where my photos have been used so please send me links, screenshots or photos where possible. If the photo is not marked with the Creative Commons licence, only my friends and family are permitted to use it.

Photo: William Warby
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0

Mer information om licensen för bilden finns här. Senaste uppdateringen: Wed, 10 Jul 2024 20:26:29 GMT