
(c) Luigi Novi, CC BY 3.0

This is an edited version of File:6.7.11MattBomerByLuigiNovi1.jpg by jjron - cropped and adjusted lighting to remove some harshness resulting from flash.
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Actor Matthew Bomer during the June 7, 2011 production of "On the Fence", the ninth episode of the third season of the American TV series White Collar at 10 Downing, a restaurant in Manhattan's West Village.
Photographed by Luigi Novi. This photo is not in the public domain. It may, however, be used, modified and published for any purpose, free of charge, only if the photographer is properly credited, either by linking the photograph to this page, or with an easily visible credit to the photographer placed near the photo in each instance in which it is used. Please maintain the original file name in all uses. (See licensing information below.) Publication of this photo without this proper attribution constitutes copyright infringement. You can see a gallery of some of my other photos here. If you have any questions, you can contact me on my Wikipedia Talk Page.
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Erkännande: Luigi Novi
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