19XX Ludvig Brandstrup portrait

Original photo by Hans Christophersen/Marius Christensen
Old photograph
572 x 791 Pixel (244923 Bytes)
Danish sculptor Ludvig Brandstrup (1861 - 1935). Photograph from the beginning of the 20th century
Public domain
Public domain This image is in the public domain in Denmark because the Danish Consolidated Act on Copyright of 2010 specifies (§91, 5) that all photographic images not considered to be "photographic works" that were created before 1 January 1970 are exempt from protection (details).

Note that "photographic works", which must display artistic merit or originality, enter the public domain 70 years after the death of the photographer and that photographs that are not considered works but created 1 January 1970 or later become public domain 50 years after they were created. See Licensing for details.

Some countries have a lower threshold of originality and may therefore apply a longer protection term for this image, so it may not be usable in such countries.

To uploader: For this to be applicable, creation year must be known (or known to be at least before 1970)

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