
Bilden är taggad "Attribution Required" men ingen tillskrivningsinformation lämnades. Attributionsparametern utelämnades troligen när MediaWiki-mallen användes för CC-BY-licenserna. Författare och upphovsmän hittar ett exempel för korrekt användning av mallarna här.
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960 x 720 Pixel (437555 Bytes)
The Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, home of University of Southern California Trojans football, during a football game between the University of Oregon Ducks and the USC Trojans. The Olympic Torch at the top of the peristyle, a legacy of the stadium's two Olympic games, is always lit during the 4th quarter. The jerseys at the far end represent each of USC's Heisman Trophy winners; those numbers have been retired and the design reflects the design of the USC jersey during the player's time at the school. USC won 35-10 in front of a crowd of 92,000.
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5

Mer information om licensen för bilden finns här. Senaste uppdateringen: Wed, 03 Apr 2024 14:09:55 GMT