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A 0-4-0 on display at the Arizona Railway Museum. Taken by Jot Powers, 5/2005.
The accompanying card reads:
Homestake Mining Locomotive, Fireless, 0-4-0 wheel arrangement. Built by the Porter Locomotive Company in 1923 as serial number 3290. Powered by compressed air for use in mine shafts, the locomotive weights 10,000 pounds on 23 inch drivers with a tractive effort of 18,600 pounds. The boiler pressure is 1000 p.s.i of air with 6 x 10 inch cylinders. The locomotive was retired in August of 1985 and donated by Homestake Mining Company to the Museum. This locomotive was on display at the Mesa Museum of the Southwest from 1987 to 1997. It returned to Chandler on June 25, 1997.
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0
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