Tegostoma baphialis (29515046752)

Ben Sale from UK
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Here is a list with some pictures of the moths I found in Turkey when I went thee for two weeks between the 8th and 22nd of August, and were attracted to my 9w Blacklight tube up in the mountains.

Some great new species were to be found in a region 5 miles South-West of Marmaris, and there were also some more familiar species that we record back home.

I'll let the list and the photos do the talking.

Some are still pending id and several specimens await dissection.

Dark Sword-grass


Dark Mottled Willow

Small Mottled Willow

Double-striped Pug


Scarce Blackneck

Small Marbled

Purple Marbled

Jersey Tiger

Clancy's Rustic

Nomophila noctuella

Endotricha flammealis

Bryophila rectilinea

Cryphia ochsi

Tree-lichen Beauty

Tegostoma baphialis

Spoladea recurvalis

Micronoctua karsholti

Blair's Mocha

Etiella zinckenella

Isturgia arenacearia

Antigastra catalaunalis

Emmelina monodactyla

Scrobipalpa atriplicella

Hellula undalis

Problepsis ocellata

Herpetogramma licarsisalis

Metasia ophialis

Bryophila vandalusiae
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0

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