Haeckel Hexactinellae
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- Farrea Haeckelii (Franz Eilhard Schulze) = Farrea occa Bowerbank, 1862, habitus
- Farrea Haeckelii (Franz Eilhard Schulze) = Farrea occa Bowerbank, 1862, mesh of skeleton
- Euplectella aspergillum (Owen) = Euplectella aspergillum Owen, 1841, habitus
- Euplectella aspergillum (Owen) = Euplectella aspergillum Owen, 1841, mesh of skeleton
- Holtenia crateromorpha (Wyville Thompson) = Vazella sp.?, habitus
- Sclerothamnus spiralis (Marshall) = Sclerothamnus sp.?, habitus
- Sclerothamnus spiralis (Marshall) = Sclerothamnus sp.?, branch
- Polyopogon amadu (Wyville Thompson) = Poliopogon amadou Thomson, 1873, cross-section
- Pheronema rhaphanus (Franz Eilhard Schulze) = Pheronema raphanus Schulze, 1894, needle spicule
- Hyalonema indicum (Franz Eilhard Schulze) = Hyalonema indicum Schulze, 1894, amphidiscus spicule
- Hyalonema conus (Franz Eilhard Schulze) = Hyalonema conus Schulze, 1886, amphidiscus spicule
- Regadrella phoenix (Oskar Schmidt) = Regadrella phoenix Schmidt, 1880, floricome spicule
- Saccocalyx pedunculata (Franz Eilhard Schulze) = Saccocalyx pedunculatus Schulze, 1895, discohexaster spicule
- Crateromorpha Meyeri (Gray) = Crateromorpha meyeri Gray, 1872, discohexaster spicule
- Hyalostylus dives (Franz Eilhard Schulze) = Hyalostylus dives Schulze, 1886, hexaster spicule
- Polylophus philippinensis (Gray) = Lophocalyx philippinensis (Gray, 1872), plumicome spicule
- Stylocalyx tenera (Franz Eilhard Schulze) = Hyalonema tenerum Schulze, 1886, amphidiscus spicule
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public domain due to age
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