Eadgils the Mighty's alleged tumulus 2009 Old Upsala

Jacob Truedson Demitz for Ristesson
This image comes from the Southerly Clubs of Stockholm, Sweden, a non-profit society which owns image publication rights to the archives of Lars Jacob Prod, Mimical Productions, F.U.S.I.A., Swenglistic Underground (formerly CabarEng), Ristesson Ent and FamSAC. Southerly Clubs donated this picture to the Public Domain. Deputy Chairman Emil Eikner for the Board of Directors, Hallowe'en 2008.
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912 x 684 Pixel (92884 Bytes)
The western of the three large royal tumuli at Old Upsala, this one popularly called Thor’s Mound Torshögen and through the disputed findings of archaeologist Birger Nerman identified as the grave of a 6th century King Eadgils the Mighty (Adils den mäktige), though the identities of the three buried kings also have been interchanged by some writers and completely refuted by others
Place: Upsala, Sweden
Public domain

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